Make-up Examinations Procedure
Make-up Exam Procedure
- Students take the form of a make-up exam at the BOP counter.
- Fill out the form and complete the requirements and documents needed for submission of a make-up exam.
- Bring documents the meet the requirements for the process of entry of follow-up data in the BOP Counter and get exam sheet and a make-uptest score form that will be taken and given to the lecturer at the time of the make-up examination.
- Pay the feesof themake-upexaminations at a bank (ATM) and validate payments at the Bureau of Financial Administration (BAK)
- Contact the lecturer of the subject to seek a suitable time and place for the make-up exam.
- The lecturer evaluates the student’s performance at the exam and submits the results at the BOP counter.
Documents required for make-up examinations:
- Make-up Examination Form signed and validated by the (Deputy) Head of the Department of the course.
- Documents verifying the cause of not attending the exam: letter from a medical doctor, employer’s explanation of urgent official responsibilities, etc.